5 Juli 2010

4 Juli 2010
Bunut Bolong

Trunyan village

Ghost in Bali

3 Juli 2010
Bali Art Center

Bali has a cultural center named Werdhi Cultural Park is located in Jalan Nusa Indah Denpasar is one of the broadest and most complete site for the performance arts in Bali. Each month June through July of this place held a big event with a Bali Art Festival that presents dozens of performances by hundreds of supporters of artists originating from local and international artists.
Bali Dance

dance is an expression of the soul, without the dance, Balinese people will lose their own souls.
not everyone can dance bali, need to exercise hard to just be able to dance bali.
when you come to Bali, try not to always see the panoramic view of Kuta beach.
came to the studio for some just to see how dance of Bali.
when there are performances of dance, try to come, and feel the magical aura of the dance.

2 Juli 2010
negative side of bali

who imagine if you hear the word Bali is a clean, beautiful and comfortable.
indeed in some parts of Bali is perfect for you who like to travel, but in the city of Denpasar for example, waste a lot of decorating the sides of the road.
but luckily the government rapid response of the matter, the city government is now implementing an hour denpasar trash.
Another annoying thing is the problem of transportation. Kuta areas for example, every day the road to the beach is jammed. This is because the lack of parking in the area.
but many foreign visitors are not seeing all the ugliness of Bali, they come to Bali to see the dances, rituals, uniqueness, and of course that became the mainstay is the temple that contains a mystical impression.
you do not hesitate to come to Bali. I guarantee you'll be glad to be in Bali, do not be afraid of terrorists, because they can not destroy bali, bali belongs to god, and only God can destroy the bali.
want to know the other side of another Bali?
immediately consult directly with comment.
god bless you.
17 Juni 2010
game gratis
mau game gratis?
jangan harap saya ngasi game yg buat komputer kayak orang udah tua(lambat jalanya).
game gratis yang saya madsud adalah game kecil,ya untuk menghibur diri,atau lucu lucuan.
bagi yang pengen,klik aja link di bawah,kalau gk,besok mampir lagi ya?hehehe
ini link nya : gametop.com
salam olahraga,,,eh salah,,
salam GAMErs!!!!
belajar mengetik
coba anda bayangkan,bila kita mengetik hanya dengan 2 jari,sedangkan tulisan atau tugas yang diberikan kepada kita banyak banget.nullis skripsi misalnya.pasti diperlukan banyak waktu bila menggunakan 2 jari.
nah,saya akan ajarkan!!!
hehehe,madsud saya,saya akan share beberapa aplikasi untuk mengetik 10 jari.
silahkan download melalui 4shared.com
berikut linknya:
download software
selamat mencoba...
14 April 2010
Lyric avenged sevenfold- chapter four
() = Backing Vocals
(give me your hand,
blood is spilt and man will follow
infernal man, punishment too great to bear)
Conceived and born was one of light
Rain and dark, the other born black night.
Raise your head and taste the courage
(the one of light)
Fall from grace, unholy night
I've come here to kill you,
won't leave until you've died
Murder born of vengeance,
I closed my brothers eyes tonight...
(give me your hand,
blood is spilt and man will follow
infernal man, punishment too great to bear)
Conceived and born was one of light
Rain and dark, the other born black night.
Raise your head and taste the courage
(the one of light)
Fall from grace, unholy night
I've come here to kill you,
won't leave until you've died
Murder born of vengeance,
I closed my brothers eyes tonight...
Its cold tonight as the clouds turn grey
and from my hands to my brothers grave
You took his side, you took his gift,
feel the power of a fallen man, crestfallen man...
Far away in this land I must go,
out of the sight of The One.
A punishment sent from his hands
a hardship that no one should know
Now go out of the site of The One,
away in this land you must go.
Where has he gone? What have you done?
A voice commands from high above this earth.
From the soil his blood cries out to me,
Murder, liar, vengeance, deceit.
Far away in this land I must go,
out of the sight of The One.
A punishment sent from his hands
a hardship that no one should know
Now go out of the site of The One,
away in this land you must go.
12 April 2010
Creed – one last breath
Hey brother pecinta music,aku mau share lyric "one last breath" nich.,.,bagus banget nich lagu!!
Please come now I think I'm falling
I'm holding to all I think is safe
It seems I found the road to nowhere
And I'm trying to escape
I yelled back when I heard thunder
But I'm down to one last breath
And with it let me say
Let me say
Hold me now
I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking
That maybe six feet
Ain't so far down
I'm looking down now that it's over
Reflecting on all of my mistakes
I thought I found the road to somewhere
Somewhere in His grace
I cried out heaven save me
But I'm down to one last breath
And with it let me say
Let me say
Hold me now
I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking
That maybe six feet
Ain't so far down
Sad eyes follow me
But I still believe there's something left for me
So please come stay with me
'Cause I still believe there's something left for you and me
For you and me
For you and me
Hold me now
I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking
21 Maret 2010
Contoh surat lamaran
Denpasar,16 Maret 2010 |
CV.Maju Mundur
Jl. Bebentot No.21
Dengan Hormat
Sehubungan dengan ikan bapak/Ibu yang di muat harian pagi bali media post, 10 maret 2010
Dengan ini saya :
Nama : samgha pradipta
Tempat,tgl.lahir : Denpasar, 13 juli 1992
Alamat : Jalan Hayam Wuruk no.21 Denpasar 80235
Nomor Hp : 08123456xxx
Mengajukan lamaran pekerjaan sebagai teknisi computer di CV.Maju Mundur.
Saya adalah lulusan smkn1 bidang teknik computer jaringan tahun 2010.saya mampu berbahasa inggris lisan dan tulisan,mampu memperbaiki computer, membuat jaringan LAN, selain itu saya dapat mengoprasikan software Word, Excel, dan Powerpoint.
Saya baru menamatkan pendidikan,oleh sebab itu saya belum memiliki pengalaman pekerjaan. Namun demikian saya yakin akan mampu melaksanakan tugas yang diberikan kepada saya dengan bekal ilmu
Pengetahuan yang saya miliki.
Untuk melengkapi surat lamaran ini,bersama ini saya lampirkan :
- Fotokopi ijazah
- Fotokopi sertifikat kursus bahasa inggris
- Surat keterangan kesehatan
- Pasfoto ukuran 4x6 (5 lembar)
Atas pertimbangan bapak/ibu saya ucapkan terimakasih
Hormat saya,
Samgha pradipta
13 Maret 2010
Langkah-langkah membuat surat lamaran kerja
hey bro.,.,aku mau bagi-bagi ilmu menulis surat nech...mungkin berguna buat loe semua .,.,.
Surat lamaran pekerjaan adalah surat yang berisi pernyataan bahwa seseorang(pelamar) memerlukan atau meminta pekerjaan dari pihak lain.
Surat lamaran dibagi menjadi 3 bagian yaitu :
- Pembuka : berisi tentang sumber informasi dari mana pelamar mengetahui bahwa ada lowongan pekerjaan di perusahaan tersebut.selain itu,pada bagian ini,pelamar harus menerangkan pekerjaan yang akan di lamar,dan pelamar tersebut menerangkan bahwa dia memenuhi persyaratan dan kualitras tenaga kerja di perusahaan tersebut.
- Isi : pada bagian ini pelamar harus mengisi data pribadi seperti keterangan usia,keterampilan,pengalaman,dan informasi lainnya yang bisa membantu pelamar menuju posisi yang diinginkan
- Penutup : seperti isi surat penutup pada umumnya,kalimat penutup berisi mengenai harapan pelamar agar diterima di perusahaan tersebut,dan ucapan terima kasih pada pembaca.
Aspek-aspek yang harus di ingat oleh pelamar :
- selalu bersifat optimis
- tenangkan pikiran,cari tempat yang sepi dan tenang untuk menulis surat lamaran tsb
- tulis / ketik surat lamaran dengan kualitas terbaik
- surat lamaran tidak boleh berisi coretan maupun pemutih
- buatlah surat secara menarik yang dapat memunculkan kesan simpatik.namun harus tegas dan jelas.
- Sebutkan dalam surat tersebut prestos yang pernah diraih.
- Hindari ejaan bahasa yang salah.
- Mintalah tolong pada teman untuk mengoreksi surat lamaran anda jika perlu.
Dalam surat lamaran biasanya berisi lampiran yang bertujuan agar pelamar dapat lebih dipertimbangkan penerimanya.
Hal-hal yang perlu dilampirkan adalah :
- Cv /daftar riwayat hidup
- Fotokopi ijazah terakhir
- Surat keterangan sehat dari dokter
- Fotokopi surat keterangan berkelakuan baik
- Fotokopisertifikat kursus(bila ada)
- Surat keterangan pengalaman kerja(bila ada)
- Dan lain-lain sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan
12 Maret 2010
f1 races 2010
pembalap berusia 40 tahun itu menyatakan,bahwa dirinya ingin mengincar gelar ke delapannya meski tidak pada musim ini.
berita lainya adalah bergabungnya tim-tim baru yang akan membawa angin segar dalam perebutan gelar juara dan gelar konstruktor.
tim-tim baru itu misalnya lotus,HRT dan virgin.
berikut ini adalah jadwal race f1 2010 :
1 | FORMULA 1 GULF AIR BAHRAIN GRAND PRIX 2010(Sakhir) | 12-14 maret |
2 | 26-28 maret | |
3 | FORMULA 1 PETRONAS MALAYSIAN GRAND PRIX 2010(Kuala Lumpur) | 02-04 april |
4 | FORMULA 1 CHINESE GRAND PRIX 2010(Shanghai) | 16-18 april |
5 | FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE ESPANA TELEFĂ“NICA 2010 (Catalunya) | 07-09 mei |
6 | FORMULA 1 GRAND PRIX DE MONACO 2010 (Monte Carlo) | 13-16 mei |
7 | 2010 FORMULA 1 TURKISH GRAND PRIX (Istanbul) | 28-30 mei |
8 | FORMULA 1 GRAND PRIX DU CANADA 2010 (Montreal) | 11-13 juni |
9 | 2010 FORMULA 1 TELEFĂ“NICA GRAND PRIX OF EUROPE (Valencia) | 25-27 juni |
10 | 2010 FORMULA 1 SANTANDER BRITISH GRAND PRIX (Silverstone) | 09-11 juli |
11 | FORMULA 1 GROSSER PREIS SANTANDER VON DEUTSCHLAND 2010 (Hockenheim) | 23-25 juli |
12 | FORMULA 1 MAGYAR NAGYDIJ 2010 (Budapest) | 30 juli-01 agustus |
13 | 2010 FORMULA 1 BELGIAN GRAND PRIX (Spa-Francorchamps) | 27-29 agustus |
14 | FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO SANTANDER D'ITALIA 2010 (Monza) | 10-12 september |
15 | 2010 FORMULA 1 SINGTEL SINGAPORE GRAND PRIX (Singapore) | 24-26 september |
16 | 2010 FORMULA 1 JAPANESE GRAND PRIX (Suzuka) | 08-10 oktober |
17 | 2010 FORMULA 1 KOREAN GRAND PRIX (Yeongam) | 22-24 oktober |
18 | FORMULA 1 GRANDE PREMIO DO BRASIL 2010 (Sao Paulo) | 05-07 november |
19 | 2010 FORMULA 1 ETIHAD AIRWAYS ABU DHABI GRAND PRIX (Yas Marina Circuit) | 12-14 november |
11 Maret 2010
liric lagu good charlotte-dance floor anthem
She’s going out to forget they were together
All that time he was taking her for granted
She wants to see if there’s more
than he gave she’s looking for
He calls her up
He’s trippin on the phone now
He doesn’t want her out there
And alone now
He knows she’s movin it
Knows she’s using it
Now he’s losing it
She don’t care
Everybody put up your hands
Say I don’t wanna be in love
I don’t wanna be in love
Feel the beat now
If you’ve got nothing left
Say I don’t wanna be in love
I don’t wanna be in love
Back it up now
You’ve got a reason to live
Say I don’t wanna be in love
I don’t wanna be in love
Feelin' good now
Don’t be afraid to get down
Say I don’t wanna be in love
I don’t wanna be in love
He was always giving her attention
Looking hard to find the things she mentioned
He was dedicated
By most suckers hated
That girl was fine
But she didn’t appreciate him
She calls him up
She’s tripping on the phone now
He had to get up
And he ain’t comin home now
He’s tryin to forget her
That’s how we come with him
When he first met her
When they first got together
Everybody put up your hands
Say I don’t wanna be in love
I don’t wanna be in love
Feel the beat now
If you got nothing left
Say I don’t wanna be in love
I don’t wanna be in love
Back it up now
You got a reason to live
Say I don’t wanna be in love
I don’t wanna be in love
Feelin' good now
Don’t be afraid to get down
Say I don’t wanna be in love
I don’t wanna be in love
To the beat (x3)
You got nothing to lose
Don’t be afraid to get down
We break up
It’s something that we do now
Everyone has got to do it sometime
It’s okay, let it go
Get out there and find someone
It’s too late to be trippin' on the phone here
Get off the wire
You know everything is good here
Stop what you’re doin'
You don’t wanna ruin
The chance that you got to
find a new one
Everybody put up your hands
Say I don’t wanna be in love
I don’t wanna be in love
Feel the beat now
If you got nothing left
Say I don’t wanna be in love
I don’t wanna be in love
Back it up now
You got a reason to live
Say I don’t wanna be in love
I don’t wanna be in love
Feelin' good now
Don’t be afraid to get down
Say I don’t wanna be in love
I don’t wanna be in love
Now you know what to do, so come on feelin' good
10 Maret 2010
daftar tim piala dunia 2010
Afrika Selatan
Grup B
Korea Selatan
Grup C
Amerika Serikat
Grup D
Grup E
Grup F
Selandia Baru
Grup G
Korea Utara
Pantai Gading
Grup H
jadwal piala dunia 2010

Grup A:
11 Juni 2010<21:00> Afrika Selatan v Meksiko, Soccer City, Johannesburg
12 Juni 2010<01:30> Uruguay v Prancis, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town
17 Juni 2010
<01:30> Afrika Selatan v Uruguay, Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria
<18:30> Prancis v Meksiko, Peter Mokaba Stadium, Polokwane
22 Juni 2010
<21:00> Meksiko v Uruguay, Royal Bafokeng Stadium, Rustenburg
<21:00> Prancis v Afrika Selatan, Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein
Grup B:
12 Juni 2010
<18:30> Argentina v Nigeria, Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg
<21:00> Korea Selatan v Yunani, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth
17 Juni 2010
<21:00> Argentina v Korea Selatan, Soccer City, Johannesburg
18 Juni 2010
<01:30> Yunani v Nigeria, Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein
23 Juni 2010
<01:30> Yunani v Argentina, Peter Mokaba Stadium, Polokwane
<01:30> Nigeria v Korea Selatan, Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban
Grup C:
13 Juni 2010
<01:30> Inggris v Amerika Serikat, Royal Bafokeng Stadium, Rustenburg
<18:30> Aljazair v Slovenia, Peter Mokaba Stadium, Polokwane
18 Juni 2010
<21:00> Inggris v Aljazair, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town
19 Juni 2010
<01:30> Slovenia v Amerika Serikat, Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg
23 Juni 2010
<21:00> Amerika Serikat v Aljazair, Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria
<21:00> Slovenia v Inggris, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth
Grup D:
13 Juni 2010
<21:00> Jerman v Australia, Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban
14 Juni 2010
<01:30> Serbia v Ghana, Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria
18 Juni 2010
<18:30> Jerman v Serbia, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth
19 Juni 2010
<18:30> Ghana v Australia, Royal Bafokeng Stadium, Rustenburg
24 Juni 2010
<01:30> Australia v Serbia, Mbombela Stadium, Nelspruit
<01:30> Ghana v Jerman, Soccer City, Johannesburg
Grup E:
14 Juni 2010
<18:30> Belanda v Denmark, Soccer City, Johannesburg
<21:00> Jepang v Kamerun, Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein
19 Juni 2010
<21:00> Belanda v Jepang, Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban
20 Juni 2010
<01:30> Kamerun v Denmark, Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria
25 Juni 2010
<01:30> Denmark v Jepang, Royal Bafokeng Stadium, Rustenburg
<01:30> Kamerun v Belanda, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town
Grup F:
15 Juni 2010
<01:30> Italia v Paraguay, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town
15 Juni 2010
<18:30> Selandia Baru v Slowakia, Royal Bafokeng Stadium, Rustenburg
20 Juni 2010
<18:30> Italia v Selandia Baru, Mbombela Stadium, Nelspruit
<21:00> Slowakia v Paraguay, Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein
24 Juni 2010
<21:00> Paraguay v Selandia Baru, Peter Mokaba Stadium, Polokwane
<21:00> Slowakia v Italia, Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg
Grup G:
15 Juni 2010
<21:00> Brasil v Korea Utara, Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg
16 Juni 2010
<01:30> Pantai Gading v Portugal, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth
21 Juni 2010
<01:30> Brasil v Pantai Gading, Soccer City, Johannesburg
21 Juni 2010
<18:30> Portugal v Korea Utara, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town
25 Juni 2010
<21:00> Korea Utara v Pantai Gading, Mbombela Stadium, Nelspruit
<21:00> Portugal v Brasil, Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban
Grup H:
16 Juni 2010
<18:30> Spanyol v Swiss, Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban
<21:00> Honduras v Cili, Mbombela Stadium, Nelspruit
21 Juni 2010
<21:00> Spanyol v Honduras, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth
22 Juni 2010
<01:30> Cili v Swiss, Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg
26 Juni 2010
<01:30> Swiss v Honduras, Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein
<01:30> Cili v Spanyol, Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria